Administration officials in committee on Wednesday framed their proposal as a way to ensure the state can afford to enact the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future over the next several years. Legislators have set aside enough money to cover Blueprint program costs through at least fiscal year 2027, but the plan is forecasted to be a major driver of multibillion-dollar operating budget deficits in coming years. Under Governor Moore’s plan, the state would pause increases in per-pupil grant amounts for fiscal years 2027 and 2028. The state would also prohibit additional schools from receiving grants during that stretch. The administration’s cuts and delays to the Blueprint would eliminate a deficit in fiscal year 2027 and would halve a $2.1 billion shortfall the following fiscal year.
Footing the bill: The Blueprint was enacted several years ago without a dedicated funding stream to pay for it. The looming shortfalls to pay for the plan will open the door to hiking taxes and placing the onus to pay for the plan on state residents. Read More