Moore Sends Agenda to House and Senate

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Governor Moore delivered a 16-bill legislative package Wednesday for the second session of his term. The governor’s legislation falls into four areas — public safety, affordability, making the state more competitive and public service. “This legislative agenda marks the next chapter in our work to leave no one behind. This year, we remain laser-focused on the issues that matter most to Marylanders — with sixteen bills centered on making Maryland safer, making Maryland more affordable, making Maryland more competitive, and continuing to make Maryland the state that serves,” Moore said in a statement.

Moore on Competitiveness: Among the governor’s bills focusing on Maryland’s competitiveness are the Critical Infrastructure Streamlining Act which proposes streamlining the regulatory process for approval of industries that rely on backup power generators such as data centers, as well as the Transparent Government Act that would require all state agencies to establish and publicize projected timelines for licensing and permitting applications and publicly report the results. While these are steps in the right direction, more needs to be done with regard to Maryland’s high costs of doing business.

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