Salisbury – City Administrator Julia Glanz announced today that multiple new cases of COVID-19 have been reported across several different departments in city government. Within the past week, four employees have tested positive; three members of the Salisbury Fire Department, and one employee from the Government Office Building.
“We have been fortunate in the fact that we have seen relatively few cases within our organization,” said City Administrator Glanz. “The measures we have taken up to this point have been effective in slowing the spread of the virus within our ranks. Nationwide, however, we are in the midst of an upswing in COVID diagnoses. We will continue to be transparent with the public about our positive employees, as it is critical to keep COVID-19 at the front of all of our minds – as much as we want life to return to “normal”.
Per protocol, all city employees who have tested positive have been given temporary leave of their jobs, and are quarantining. Following the City’s COVID Response Protocol, employees are being sent for testing, and remain at home if they were close contacts of the positive employees.
Since early March, the City of Salisbury has taken several significant steps to limit the spread of the Novel Coronavirus, including the establishment of occupancy maximums, mandatory mask rules for inside establishments, and limits on the amount of attendees at private residential gatherings. To date, Wicomico County has reported 2,287 total cases of COVID-19 infection, with 49 fatalities, representing approximately .02% of all COVID-related deaths in the United States.
“The health of our employees and our citizens is our number one concern at all times,” added Glanz. “We will continue to take the necessary steps to contain the spread of COVID within this organization, and across our city. We send our sincerest wishes for a speedy recovery to all of our employees, and anyone else who is suffering from COVID-19.”
If you suspect that you may have been exposed to COVID-19, there are multiple resources available to you. Find out more at www.wicomicohealth.org, or call 410-912-6889.