Tidewater Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Associates, P.A. announces that June 1 through 7 is National Hand Therapy week.
Hand Therapy Week is an integrated national program established by the American Society of Hand Therapy. Its aim is to raise awareness of the hand therapy specialty among various audiences, including primary care providers, surgeons, referral sources and the public. Hand therapists can help bridge the gap from the medical management of a patient’s injury or condition to a successful recovery, allowing the patient to function normally in their daily lives.
Hand therapy evolved from the need for a specialist with the knowledge and experience required to manage the challenging recovery of complex hand and upper extremity injuries. Hand therapists are licensed or registered occupational therapists (OT) or physical therapists (PT) who, through advanced study and experience, specialize in treating individuals with conditions affecting the hands and upper extremities. Hand therapists carry the title of Certified Hand Therapist or CHT.
To obtain the CHT credential, a hand therapist must practice as an OT or PT for a minimum of five years, accumulating at least 4,000 hours of hand and upper extremity experience. Hand therapists must also pass a rigorous certification examination to demonstrate their competency in the practice of hand therapy. Every CHT is required to demonstrate continued professional development and competency by recertifying every five years.
Studying for the CHT test is an intensive process that can take months of preparation. On average, only 55% of individuals who sit for the exam pass. In Delaware there are 28 CHTs, of which five are PTs, one of which – Craig L. Joachimowski, PT, OCS, CHT – works for Tidewater Physical Therapy in Seaford. In Maryland there are a total of 131 CHTs, of which only five practice on the eastern shore and only two of which are PTs, both of whom work for
Tidewater Physical Therapy. Jennifer S. Hamilton, DPT, CHT works at the Salisbury clinic and William Hamilton, Jr., DPT, CHT works at the clinic in Ocean Pines.
“Our physical therapists always strive for next-level learning and additional certifications. For an individual to obtain his CHT requires commitment to the field and dedication to preparing for the exam. We are proud that we employ the only two CHTs that are PTs on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and one of the five CHTs in Delaware that is also a PT,” says Jennifer Walter, COO, of Tidewater Physical Therapy.
About Tidewater Physical Therapy
Tidewater Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Associates, PA was founded in 1984 under the guidance of Dr. W. James Downs, Jr., PT, DSc, ECS. Downs founded the firm in response to local physicians seeking progressive physical therapy services for patients on the Delmarva Peninsula. Since its foundation, Tidewater Physical Therapy has expanded to 16 locally managed offices. Therapists have continued to increase their certifications and knowledge in many specialty areas to provide for their ever-growing patient population. Tidewater Physical Therapy is now the most widely recognized, highly accredited physical therapy firm on Delmarva, setting the standard for exceptional care in a comfortable, friendly and community-oriented setting. In addition, Tidewater Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Associates is a certified Medicare Rehabilitation Agency, meaning our organization willingly accepts a stringent set of guidelines in which to operate, including annual inspections. For more information about Tidewater Physical Therapy, visit www.tidewaterpt.com or call 410.822.3891.