You are warmly invited to attend a six session course in neuromindfulness, a form of meditation that combines the ancient 2,500 year-0ld Eastern practice of mindfulness with insights from neuroscience. This approach to meditation is designed to deactivate the stress response in the most primitive parts of the human brain.
Since most people struggle with meditating, this course is designed to reduce the strain and frustration they’ve experienced in their previous attempts. Much of the course will be group discussion about the art of living, as meditation is ultimately not a technique. It’s a way of being in the world that allows us a greater sense of ease and clarity. This course is appropriate for both experienced meditators and people who are new to meditation.
In this 6 session course, you will learn:
- How to make meditation a habit
- How to make meditation a pleasant and successful experience
- How to avoid the traps of meditation and spiritual paradoxes
- How meditation can have a real and practical impact in the quality of your life
Instructor: David Mercier, M.S., L.Ac. studied mindfulness meditation as a monk in Sri Lanka in the 1970’s. He has had a practice in acupuncture in Easton, Maryland since 1983, and is the author of an award-winning book on integrative health, A Beautiful Medicine.
Where: The Personal Wellness Center
Dates: Mondays 6:30 to 8:30 PM.
Starting January 4, 2016
Investment: $125.00
Early registration by Dec 15, 2015: $125.00
NOTE: The 1st class cannot be missed
To register call: 410-742-6016 or email: zlati@thepersonalwellnesscenter.com