PRINCESS ANNE, MD – (April 23, 2020) – A new scholarship program for 1890 land-grant food and agricultural sciences (FAS) majors is set for Fall 2020. Reserved for first-time college students and for students who transfer from community colleges, the national 1890 Scholarships Program aims to address the shortfall of FAS graduates available to enter the nation’s workforce.
“Today’s announcement signifies our continuing partnership with the 1890 land-grant universities to ensure the sustainability of our country’s agricultural future,” said NIFA Director J. Scott Angle. “We are pleased to support these important institutions as they develop the next generation of agricultural leaders.”
A Scholarships Program, which supports recruiting, engaging, retaining, mentoring and training, has been instituted at each of the country’s 18 land-grant institutions and Tuskegee. By developing a highly skilled workforce, the Program helps facilitate rural prosperity and economic development aligning with USDA’s strategic goals.
Four academic programs offered by the three departments (Agriculture, Food and Resource Sciences, Human Ecology and Natural Sciences) within the School of Agricultural and Natural Sciences make up the UMES Program. Students may choose agribusiness management, general agriculture, human ecology or environmental science as their major course of study, with several of the majors offering up to four concentrations.
Along with citizenship, admission to UMES and a minimum cumulative 3.0 grade point average at the time of application, students considering entrance into the program must meet a select number of criteria. Above all, there must be an intent to pursue a career in the food and agricultural sciences.
First-year students will receive awards for four years and transfer students for two years as long as all requirements are fulfilled. Depending on the individual student, awards may constitute a full ride. Research, internships and volunteer opportunities will round out the Program along with a wide range of additional co-curricular activities.
For information about the UMES 1890 Scholarship Program or to apply, visit umes.edu/1890scholarship. To learn more about NIFA’s impact on agricultural science, visit https://nifa.usda.gov/impacts, sign up for email updates or follow on Twitter @USDA_NIFA, #NIFAimpacts.