“Older and Wiser Living” Offers Free Membership and Many Benefits
An average of 10,000 people in the United States turn 65 years of age each day, joining a “club” that often includes gray hair, wrinkles and a greater need for healthcare services. Peninsula Home Care thinks they have a better answer with a more beneficial club: Older and Wiser Living, or “OWL” for short.
“Seniors in our communities should have resources that let them feel empowered so that they can continue to live active, independent lives,” said Nancy Bagwell, area director of operations for Peninsula Home Care. “A free OWL membership provides many of those tools and resources so they can work in partnership with their healthcare team to prevent and manage challenges today and down the road.”
OWL members aged 50 and older will receive free access to Peninsula’s telehealth stations (or as we like to call them – OWL Nest) located in the lobby of the Salisbury, Maryland and Seaford, Delaware branch offices from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. The stations are equipped to measure weight, blood pressure, oxygen levels and heart rate. The OWL membership kit includes a medication card, medical history card and important tips and information for managing many chronic diseases.
Peninsula also provides OWL members with exclusive access to a nutrition coach by phone and support from Community Health Workers through home visits and phone calls. More educational resources are shared through the agency’s quarterly newsletter and a planned Annual Health Conference.
Additional perks include exercise videos geared specifically to seniors. By following Peninsula’s armchair exercise video, seniors can expect many of the same benefits from seated exercises as they would from standing exercises, which is very beneficial to individuals recovering from surgery or an injury.
Peninsula also provides Otago exercise videos to members. Otago is a fall-prevention program recognized by the CDC and measured to reduce the rate of falls by 35 to 40%. The rationale behind Otago is that while muscle strength, flexibility, balance and reaction time are risk factors for falls, they can easily be improved. The program includes seventeen different exercises aimed at improving strength and balance for patients.
Community members interested joining the free OWL club can register online at www.peninsulahomecare.com or call the Salisbury office at 410/543-7550. All registrants will receive a free water bottle with “Beat the Heat” tips that can help them stay cool and safe as they enjoy the summer weather.
About Peninsula Home Care
Providing care for more than 30 years, Peninsula Home Care, in Salisbury and Ocean Pines/Berlin, Maryland, ensures that all patients are involved in their plan of care and strives to give them every opportunity to maintain their independence in the home. The agency has served more than 39,000 patients on Delmarva and was designated as a Peninsula Regional Medical Center preferred home care provider in 2017. For more information, visit www.peninsulahomecare.com.