Salisbury, MD – Bring a poem to the Salisbury Headquarters to read at a new poetry series that kicks off this Thursday, March 14.
Poets’ Corner is a partnership between Salisbury’s Arts, Business and Culture Department and Salisbury Poet Laureate Nancy Mitchell. Mitchell will host the series, which is free and runs from 6-8 p.m.
The first theme is Women’s History Month, and the guest poet will be Amanda Newell. There will also be open-mic poetry, and attendees can bring their own poems or prose to read or other poems/prose they would like to share, with attribution.
To learn more or register to read, visit www.bit.ly/PoetsCornerSBY. The Salisbury Headquarters is located at 115 S. Division St. The spring series will continue on the second Thursdays of April and May, with further details to come.