Wor-Wic Community College will begin offering seven-week credit classes this fall, in addition to its 15-week classes, to help accommodate students’ schedules and help them find their quickest path to graduation.
The seven-week courses cover the same material and offer the same credit hours as their 15-week counterparts, but are taught in a different way — often by adding hybrid or online components. In addition, Wor-Wic has changed its night credit class schedule so that students who attend nights only can take a full-time courseload if they wish.
“At Wor-Wic, our goal is to help students succeed. Many students have demanding schedules and by adding these seven-week courses, students have more options to achieve their goals of graduating,” said Dr. Kristin L. Mallory, vice president for academic affairs. “We serve a diverse population of students, many who work full time, and may be caring for children and other family members.”
The Education Advisory Board, a higher education research firm, found that courses in formats such as the seven-week term helped improve students’ course pass rates by as much as 23 percentage points.
“Our faculty spent months creating courses in this new seven-week format, working alongside staff to create a new academic calendar to meet students’ needs,” Mallory said. “One academic advantage is that students may need to prepare for fewer midterm and final exams at the same time, so they are better able to sharpen their focus.”
Courses are offered on campus, online, virtually and in hybrid formats. Registration for the fall term opened April 1, and classes start Sept. 4. Visit www.worwic.edu to learn more about the seven-week classes.