The Maryland Department of Planning (Planning) would again like to thank everyone who participated in the November 29 listening sessions in Wicomico County. Planning wants to keep the dialogue open throughout the A Better Maryland process, and one way of doing that is by posting summary notes of what we heard on the project website. We will post similar summaries for all 23 counties and Baltimore City. The Wicomico County notes are now available at:
We also developed a survey that mirrors questions asked at the listening sessions on the project website at http://abetter.maryland.gov/a-better-maryland/survey/. Feel fee to complete it yourself or send it to others who could not attend on November 29.
We look forward to continuing the discussion with all Marylanders. If you have any questions or would like to make additional comments, please contact Chuck Boyd at chuck.boyd@maryland.gov or Joe Griffiths at joseph.griffiths@maryland.gov
Wendi W. Peters Robert S. McCord
Special Secretary of Smart Growth Acting Secretary, Maryland Department of Planning