The Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs invites you to reserve a space for our upcoming Technical Training Classroom webinar:
Creating A Compelling Capability Statement
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
10 a.m. – 12 noon
How would you rate your current capability statement? You have one, right? It is the leading marketing tool used in the government contracting arena. Join us for a lively and information packed session that will define what must be included and what to avoid. Attendees will draft their own content using strategies to make your capability statement stand out from the crowd.
Who should attend? Small, minority, women, and veteran business owners and entrepreneurs who are ready to create or improve their capability statement to grow business.
Your Instructor is Tina Horn, Director, Consulting at TargetGov (the company that created the federal capability statement).
Maryland’s Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprise (VSBE) Program
Thursday, November 17, 2022
10 a.m. – 12 noon
Are you a veteran entrepreneur? This session of our Technical Training Classroom takes a look at Maryland’s VSBE Program’s eligibility standards and online certification process. We’ll also explore common procurement practices and examine tactics for mining the state’s open and transparent procurement pipeline.
Special guests will join us to highlight additional veteran services.
Who should attend? Veteran small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to assess the state contracting arena and gain a better understanding of Maryland’s VSBE Program.
Your instructor is Danielle Davis, VSBE Compliance Manager, Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs.
What you need to know:
- There is no cost to attend.
- Advance registration is required.
- Special Accommodation requests should be made 14 days in advance to eduardo.hayden@maryland.gov
- This session will be recorded; by registering, you are consenting to be recorded.
- Upon receiving a registration confirmation, you will be given a unique link to join the event.
- All attendees will be in listen mode only (your camera will be off and your mic is muted).
- A Q&A session will be conducted following the presentation.
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