Wicomico County Public Schools’ COVID-19 Dashboard showing active positive COVID-19 cases in schools is now available on the school system’s website at www.wcboe.org in COVID-19 Information.
To go directly to the COVID-19 Dashboard: https://covid_dashboard.wcboe.org/
In addition to our current communication practice of informing affected parents/guardians and staff when a person in a school had been identified as being COVID-19 positive, this public dashboard will provide the weekly total number of staff and of students with active positive COVID-19 cases, and combined totals for each school. A link is provided to the Maryland Department of Health’s K-12 School and Child Care COVID-19 Guidance.
Starting this week, the dashboard will be updated each Wednesday with a week of COVID-19 case numbers. Wicomico County Public Schools continues to be in regular contact with the Wicomico County Health Department, which monitors positive cases and would advise the school system if rates of transmission in schools became a cause for concern.