Beginning January 1, 2025, the new and secure Maryland Tax Connect portal will replace the previous bFile application for filing your Annual Withholding Reconciliation and reporting W2s and 1099s. The W2 Bulk Upload Application, previously available on bFile, will also be transitioned to the portal.
Moving tax processing to Maryland Tax Connect is an important effort by the Comptroller to modernize and digitize our tax operations, all on a secure platform. The Maryland Tax Connect portal allows users to file their tax returns by registering their business, enabling them to manage their accounts, make payments, renew licenses, and complete other vital functions.
There will be two options available to file your Annual Withholding Reconciliation electronically.
Option 1: As a registered Maryland Tax Connect Administrator or Authorized User, you can key in or bulk upload W2s and 1099s. The key-in option is only available for the current tax year (no back year). To key in W2s and 1099s, click the “File a Form” option under the Online Services menu. From there, you will select the return type “WH 508 INFO” and follow the tabular form to complete your MW508 and add your W2s and 1099s.
Option 2: As a registered Maryland Tax Connect Transmitter User, you can bulk upload W2s and 1099s. This option is recommended if you need to file for multiple employers.
Initially, the MW508 will display in the Account Summary with a “Not Filed” status. However, if you have a confirmation number, the Withholding Reconciliation has been received for processing. You can view the processing status in your portal transaction history on the Saved and Submitted Items page.
Available Resources:
Our agency is excited to offer support and assistance regarding this transition.
- For additional resources, visit mdtaxconnect.gov. In the QUICK LINKS box, select “User Guides and Tutorials.” You can also review previously recorded webinars and answers to Frequently Asked Questions regarding the portal.
- For additional assistance with W2/1099 Bulk Uploads, please email efilew21099help@marylandtaxes.gov.
- For additional assistance with keying-in W2s or 1099s, please call 1-800-MD-TAXES or email mdtaxconnecthelp@marylandtaxes.gov. You can also schedule an appointment with our Maryland Tax Connect helpline.