Open Call for Nominations: Maryland Hispanic Business Conference Awards

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Deadline for Applications: August 1, 2018
Awards Presentation: September 4, 2018

The MDHBC Premios Épico honors outstanding achievements and dedication in the Hispanic community. Do you know someone who exemplifies the qualities described awards? Nominate Someone Today!

The American Dream Award honors an innovative, entrepreneur who exemplifies the “American Dream” through profound business success after overcoming obstacles. The individual exhibits a commitment to community reinvestment through philanthropy, mentorship or community service.

The Latina Powerhouse Award: A respected, accomplished and innovative entrepreneur or business woman who has effectively navigated the path to success in her field, while finding opportunities to give back to her community through philanthropy, mentorship and/or community service.

The Negocio del Año will be awarded to an innovative, Maryland-based business that has shown outstanding commitment in tapping new growth areas, spurring economic development, creating jobs, showcasing leadership and giving back to the community.

All award winners will be honored on September 4, 2018 at the Maryland Hispanic Business Conference, in front of hundreds of business owners, professionals and entrepreneurs.

How to Nominate
Complete a nomination application, and if chosen, your nominee will be recognized at the 2018 MD Hispanic Business Conference. Remember to keep the specific award’s meaning in mind; each application should address the purpose for that specific award and include the nominee’s activities, accomplishments, and contributions that align with that purpose. Describe, where applicable, the specific results and impacts of the nominee’s efforts that strengthen the case for that award.

Submit your Nomination Today!