Wicomico schools will hold open houses Aug. 27 (secondary schools) and Aug. 28 (elementary schools) in preparation for the opening of the 2024-2025 school year on Tuesday, Sept. 3, for most students.
Schools will send out student school-year information letters on Aug. 16, with open house information included with this welcome letter. Students and families may also visit www.wicomicoschools.org for information on school leadership teams, the 2024-2025 school calendar and other important information.
Open house information for each school is below. If a school has posted a school supply list, a link is provided. Please note that all open house events will be held on Aug. 27 and Aug. 28 except: NexGen STEM Program Back-to-School Meeting Monday, Aug. 26; Wicomico Evening High Back-to-School Night Wednesday, Sept. 11; and English Language Support Center Back-to-School Night/Family Night in early fall on a date to be determined.
Tuesday, August 27: Middle School and High School Open Houses
Pittsville Elementary and Middle: On Tuesday, Aug. 27 from 4-6 p.m., the administration, faculty, staff, and PTA of Pittsville Elementary and Middle will welcome all students and their families to a new school year during a Back-to-School Open House. Parents are asked to bring their completed Student Personal Data & Emergency Record form with them to the open house. Principal Kris Gosnell, Assistant Principal Marie Baker, and the entire staff are excited to see our new and returning students and families.
School phone: 410-677-5811
School email: pittsville@mywcps.org
Web page: https://pems.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboepems
Bennett Middle: Back to School Night will be on Tuesday, Aug. 27 from 4-6 p.m. The administration, faculty and staff look forward to seeing students and families as we get ready to start another legendary school year. Students will receive their schedule at the back-to-school event. Please return the completed Student Personal Data & Enrollment Information Form. Come meet the teachers, staff, and the BMS leadership team: Principal Erin Nathan, Assistant Principals Vera Reed and Johanna Duncan, and Deans of Students Daniel Menear and Heather Smith.
School phone: 410-677-5140
School email: bms@mywcps.org
Web page: https://bms.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bennettmiddleschool
Mardela Middle & High: All Mardela Middle & High students are invited to attend the MMHS Back to School Night on Tuesday, Aug. 27 from 4-6 p.m. Parents are asked to bring their completed Student Personal Data & Emergency Record form to the Back-to-School Night. At this event, you will be able to pick up your student’s schedule, show your Warrior Pride by purchasing spirit wear from our Athletics Boosters, and pick up the 2023-2024 yearbook if you paid for one last year. The MMHS leadership team of Principal Liza Hastings, Assistant Principals Nancy Guillemart and Dr. Doreen Nolan, and Dean of Students Joseph Hallman is eager to see everyone.
School phone: 410-677-5142
School email: mmhs@mywcps.org
Web page: https://mmhs.wicomicoschools.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboemmhs
Salisbury Middle: On Tuesday, Aug. 27 from 5-7 p.m., the Salisbury Middle administration, faculty, staff, and PTA will welcome SMS students and their families to a new school year during a Back-to-School Open House. Parents may turn in information from the back-to-school invitation packet any time up to and including the night of the open house. Once these documents have been accepted, the student is eligible to receive his/her schedule for the school year. Come chat with new and returning members of the SMS leadership team: Principal Terance Dunn, Assistant Principals Jen Mudd and Brent Lewis, and Deans of Students Michael Morris and Rachel Thompson (formerly an SMS NexGen STEM teacher). Please note that for NexGen STEM Program students and their parents and guardians, the Back to School Meeting for all grade levels will be from 5-7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 26. In this meeting format, expectations for all three grade levels of NexGen will be reviewed, followed by giving out of student schedules, offering building tours, providing time for students and parents to walk through the student’s schedule, and answering any questions.
School phone: 410-677-5149
School email: sms@mywcps.org
Web page: https://sms.wicomicoschools.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboesms
Wicomico Middle: On Tuesday, Aug. 27 from 4-6 p.m., the Wicomico Middle administration, faculty, staff and PTA will welcome all students and their families to a new school year during the Back-to-School Open House. Parents may turn in required documents from the Back-to-School invitation packet the evening of the open house. Once these documents have been accepted, the student is eligible to receive his/her schedule for the school year and Family Portal information in the gym. Come out and meet teachers, staff and the 2024-2025 WMS leadership team: Principal Jo A. Branham, new Assistant Principals Melissa Lasinski and Kimandi Binns, and Deans of Students Babe Wilson and Bobby Smith. Please come to the auditorium at 5 p.m. for a brief presentation with the WMS Leadership Team.
School phone: 410-677-5145
School email: wms@mywcps.org
Web page: https://wms.wicomicoschools.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboewms
English Language Support Center (ELSC): A Back-to-School Night for the English Language Support Center will be held in early fall. The ELSC leadership team of Principal Ms. Lavion Bratten, Assistant Principal Devin Smith, and Deans of Students Tonto Corbin Jr. and Craig Weaver can’t wait to welcome students when the new school year begins, and to meet families later at the Back-to-School Night.
School phone: 410-677-4537
School email: ELSC@mywcps.org
Web page: https://www.wicomicoschools.org/o/elsc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WCPSEnglishLanguageSupportCenter
James M. Bennett High School: The evening of Tuesday, Aug. 27 from 5-7 p.m. is the PTSA Open House Night at JMB for 9th graders only. Students and families will meet in the JMB cafeteria at 5 p.m. for a welcome meeting with PTSA and school administration and then classroom visitation. JMB is excited to have everyone meet staff including the school’s returning leadership team for 2024-2025: Principal Dr. Christel Savage, Assistant Principals Sarah Harmon, Alison Dunn and Ron Greene, and Deans of Students Greg Lasinski and Matt Jones.
School phone: 410-677-5141
School email: jmb@mywcps.org
Web page: https://jmb.wicomicoschools.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboejmb
Parkside High: Parkside’s Back-to-School Night will be Tuesday, Aug. 27 at the school from 5-7 p.m., with an open house and classroom visitation for all students and their families to kick off what will be an amazing year for the RAMFAM. Students will be able to pick up their schedules that evening with a completed Student Personal Data & Enrollment Information Form. For those who can’t attend our Back-to-School Night, we look forward to meeting our Parkside High School Class of 2028 on Tuesday, Sept. 3 for Freshman Transition Day. We will welcome back the Parkside High School classes of 2027, 2026 and 2025 on Wednesday, Sept. 4. The RAMFAM is pleased to have everyone meet the whole staff including the 2024-2025 leadership team of Principal Brian Briggs, Assistant Principals Carrie Reeve, Brittany Jackson and Scott Pegg (CTE), and Deans of Students Jenna Williams and Robert Bates. See you soon RAMFAM!
School phone: 410-677-5143
School email: parkside@mywcps.org
Web page: https://phs.wicomicoschools.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboephs
CTE phone: 410-677-5144
CTE email: CTEparkside@mywcps.org
CTE web page: https://cte.wicomicoschools.org/o/cte
Wicomico High: The annual Freshman BBQ is scheduled for 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27 at the school. This event is for first-time 9th graders only. The event will take place outside the auditorium/gym/lobby area located on the Glen Avenue side of the school. There will also be tables set up for students families to visit to get information about some of the clubs and organizations available at the school. Students attending the event will be able to pick up class schedules once required school documents are turned in. (Schedules for all other students will be available on Family Portal starting Aug. 27, and will be distributed on the first day of school for upperclassmen, which is Wednesday, Sept. 4.) At the first-time freshmen event on Aug. 27, tours will also be given, for any student who would like one. Come meet new and returning people on WiHi’s leadership team: Principal Dr. Undrea Blake, Assistant Principals Tessa Celeste, Steve Romano and Tonya Wilson (new), and Deans of Students Bradford Dalton, Tim Skarda and Heather Sneeuwjagt (new).
School phone: 410-677-5146
School email: wihi@mywcps.org
Web page: https://wihi.wicomicoschools.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WicomicoHS
Choices Academy: Open house to welcome everyone back to school will be on Tuesday, Aug. 27 from 4-6 p.m. New Principal Matthew Brady, Assistant Principal Michael Beale and new Dean of Students Leslie Tolley look forward to seeing everyone.
Choices phone: 410-677-5220
Choices email: choices@mywcps.org
Web page: https://choices.wicomicoschools.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChoicesAcademy
Wicomico Evening High School: Back-to-School Night will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 11 from 4-6 pm. Registration for new Evening High School full-time enrollees for the fall semester is currently open. Please see your school counselor for registration information. Fall term classes begin Monday, Sept 16. The Evening High leadership team of Principal Lavion Bratten, Assistant Principal Devin Smith, and Deans of Students Tonto Corbin Jr. and Craig Weaver looks forward to seeing all of our students and staff this fall.
School phone: 410-677-4537
School email: ehs@mywcps.org
Web page: https://ehs.wicomicoschools.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WicomicoEveningHigh
Wednesday, Aug. 28: Elementary School Open Houses
Beaver Run Elementary: Beaver Run is excited for the 2024-2025 school year! The open house for Beaver Run will be on Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Families will be able enroll in our School-Based Health Care Center, register for car rider tags and visit community vendors. Teachers will be ready to meet their new students in their classrooms. Principal Curt Twilley, new Beaver Run assistant principals Kamesha Miller, Erica Henkel and Julie Stevens (Early Learning Transitions), and the whole staff can’t wait to see all of our students and families!
School phone: 410-677-5101
School email: brs@mywcps.org
Web page: https://brs.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeaverRunSchool
Charles H. Chipman Elementary: The Chipman School staff is excited to welcome our scholars and families to the start of a wonderful school year. Based on parent and guardian feedback over the past year, we are partnering with Glen Avenue Elementary to host an Open House Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 5-7 p.m. at the Lake Street Park (across from Chipman). Chipman families should contact Ms. Johnson (shjohnson@mywcps.org) about the Open House. Scholars will enjoy socializing with peers and meeting their teachers, as well as new Principal (and former assistant principal) Meeka McCoy and new Assistant Principal Allison Harrington. Please mark your calendars for the Title I Back to School Night on Sept. 17. We are looking forward to seeing you and your scholar. Please note: Classroom teachers will distribute a volunteer sign-up sheet for families interested in providing snacks.
School phone: 410-677-5814
School email: chipman@mywcps.org
Web page: https://ces.wicomicoschools.org/o/chipman
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboeces
Delmar Elementary: Delmar Elementary is excited to welcome all of our students back to school. Please join us on Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 4-6 p.m. for all students in Prekindergarten to 4th Grade. Students, parents and guardians are welcome to tour our school and interact with our amazing school staff. Families will also have the opportunity to meet our school leadership team: Principal Dr. Ryan Kessler, returning Assistant Principal Chris McLaughlin and, new to Delmar, Assistant Principal Lauren Monroe. Parents will also have the chance to register for car rider tags, walker tags, and gather their child’s supplies and back-to-school information packets. We look forward to seeing everyone on Aug. 28.
School phone: 410-677-5178
School email: delmarES@mywcps.org
Web page: https://des.wicomicoschools.org/.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboedes
East Salisbury Elementary: East Salisbury staff members are excited to welcome our scholars back. Open House for ESS will be Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 4-6 p.m. Enjoy visiting your scholar’s classrooms, meeting teachers, and picking up tags for car riders. ALL ESS Scholars will receive a backpack filled with their school supplies! Backpacks can be picked up during the Open House. Our East Salisbury leadership team is Principal Maria Wright, new Assistant Principal Laura Miles and Dean of Students Pamela Slade. More information will be coming home about additional Welcome Back to School activities in the Back-to-School letter.
School Phone: 410-677-5803
School email: ess@mywcps.org
Web page: https://ese.wicomicoschools.org.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WCBOEese
Fruitland Primary: Open House Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 3:30-5 p.m. New Principal Parris Abt, Assistant Principal Christina Murray, and the whole FPS team are excited to welcome our students and families to the start of a wonderful school year. Students will have the chance to socialize with their peers and meet their teachers. Parents will have the opportunity to learn about teachers and the school’s communication apps, as well as improve their home libraries. We will set up tables for parents to register for our new afterschool program, Champions, and to register for a car rider tag. More information will be shared in our back-to-school letter that will be mailed on Aug. 16.
School phone: 410-677-5171
School email: fps@mywcps.org
Web page: https://fps.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboefps
Fruitland Intermediate School: Visit us on Wednesday, Aug. 28, from 3-4:30 p.m., for our Back-to-School Open House to meet teachers, administrators and staff members. Tour the school, see your child’s classrooms and visit with us. Come see Fruitland Intermediate’s leadership team of Principal Tara Parsons and Assistant Principal Tawanda Small. Sign up for communication with teachers and register for car rider tags during this event.
School phone: 410-677-5805
School email: fis@mywcps.org
Web page: https://fis.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboefis
Glen Avenue Elementary: Glen Avenue Elementary staff members are excited to welcome our scholars and families to the start of a wonderful school year. Based on parent and guardian feedback, we are again partnering with Charles H. Chipman Elementary to host a joint Open House Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 5-7 p.m. at the Lake Street Park (across from Chipman). Glen Avenue families should contact Mrs. Beebe (kbeebe@mywcps.org) about the Open House. Scholars will enjoy socializing with peers and meeting their teachers, as well as the returning leadership team of Principal Michele McGoogan, Assistant Principal Twynette Binns and Dean of Students Hannah Parr. We are looking forward to seeing you and your scholar. There is no school supply list; thanks to Title 1 funds, we will once again be providing our scholars with all school supplies so parents can focus on preparing their students with school clothing as we did for the past two years.
School phone: 410-677-5806
School email: glen@mywcps.org
Web page: https://glen.wicomicoschools.org/o/glenavenue
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboeglen
North Salisbury Elementary: Wednesday, Aug. 28, open house event for all students from 3:30-5:30 p.m. (Families that also have students in our partner school, West Salisbury Elementary, can visit that school 4:30-6:30 p.m.) The strong relationship fostered between students, staff and our NSS families begins with our open house events. During Open House, students and their families will have the opportunity to participate in our fabulous Parent Teacher Organization, visit with classroom teachers and teams, tour our wonderful school, receive login information for Family Portal, learn about after-school care options, and more. North Salisbury families will receive additional details on Open House activities with the mid-August welcome letter. Principal Kimberly Pinhey, Assistant Principal Breonna Hopkins, Dean of Students Tiffany Redden and the whole NSS team can’t wait to see everyone for another great school year.
School phone: 410-677-5807
School email: nss@mywcps.org
Web page: https://nss.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboenss
Northwestern Elementary: Join us for the new school year at our Open House on Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 4-6 p.m. Principal Aly Dargan and new Assistant Principal Kaytlin Curren are thrilled to welcome all Northwestern students and families. This event is a fantastic opportunity to meet our wonderful teachers and staff. Highlights: Pick up transportation tags (details in the welcome letter to be sent Aug. 16), join the PTA, purchase a back-to-school pencil/message for your child, enjoy popsicles with the principal and assistant principal, and connect with some amazing community partners. We look forward to seeing you there!
School phone: 410-677-5808
School email: northwestern@mywcps.org
Web page: https://nwe.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorthwesternElementary
Pemberton Elementary: On Wednesday, Aug. 28, Pemberton will have an Open House for all grades from 3:30-5:30 p.m. During Open House, our families can meet our classroom teachers and staff with the opportunity to review and update student transportation information. Pemberton’s leadership team of Principal Valerie Morris, new Assistant Principal (and former Dean of Students) Elizabeth Finch, new Dean of Students Lori Moreno, and all our teachers and staff look forward to seeing everyone on Aug. 28.
School phone: 410-677-5809
School email: pemberton@mywcps.org
Web page: https://pes.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboepes
Pinehurst Elementary: Open House for Pinehurst Elementary School scholars and families will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 3-4:15 p.m. for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten, and 4:15-5:30 p.m. for grades 1-5. During the event families will have the opportunity to take a tour of our newly renovated school, visit your scholar’s classroom, and register to become a member of our PTA. More information regarding the event will be forthcoming. Pinehurst is excited to have familiar faces in leadership roles this year: Principal Chelsea Seabrease, Assistant Principal Madison O’Donnell and Dean of Students Jennifer Hill. All of our teachers and staff members look forward to seeing our new and returning Pinehurst Panthers on Aug. 28.
School supply list in multiple languages
School phone: 410-677-5810
School email: pinehurst@mywcps.org
Web page: https://www.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pinehurstelementary
Prince Street Elementary: Open house at Prince Street Elementary is 4- 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 28. for all grade levels of scholars. Specific grade level times will be listed in the back-to-school letter and are as follows: 4-4:30 p.m. Prekindergarten and 3rd Grade, 4:30-5 p.m. Kindergarten and 2nd Grade, 5-5:30 p.m. 1st Grade, 5:30-6 p.m. 4th Grade and 5th Grade. During Open House you will have the opportunity to tour classrooms, and hear about attendance procedures and our School Dismissal Manager to increase scholar safety. You can also purchase a House shirt for $7. Prince Street is excited to have as its 2024-2025 leadership team Principal Jason Miller, Assistant Principals Kim Waters and Sheree Douglas-Johnson, and new Dean of Students John Wixted.
School supply list in Spanish, Haitian Creole and Portuguese
School phone: 410-677-5813
School email: princestreet@mywcps.org
Web page: https://pse.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboepse
West Salisbury Elementary: Our school’s open house will be on Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. (Families that also have students in our partner school, North Salisbury Elementary, can visit that school 3:30-5:30 p.m.) Come and meet your teachers, and visit with the entire Tiger team for 2024-2025 including our new leadership team of Principal Antionette Perry, Assistant Principal Dr. Keoshia Warner-Chaibou and Dean of Students Rene Morris.
School phone: 410-677-5816
School email: wse@mywcps.org
Web page: https://wse.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboewse
Westside Primary: The administration, faculty and staff would like to welcome our parents and students to attend our Open House on Wednesday, Aug. 28, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Principal Glendon Jones, new Dean of Students Dr. Rebekah Donovan, teachers and staff look forward to seeing the smiling faces and excitement our students and parents will show when meeting their teachers for the upcoming school year.
School phone: 410-677-5117
School email: wps@mywcps.org
Web page: https://wps.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboewps
Westside Intermediate: Wednesday Aug. 28, Open House at Westside Intermediate 4-6 p.m. for all grade levels. Westside Intermediate’s leadership team of Principal Christina Stewart and Assistant Principal Heather Cherry, teachers and staff are excited to see students and parents and guardians as we get ready for the 2024-2025 school year.
School phone: 410-677-5118
School email: wis@mywcps.org
Web page: https://wis.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcboewis
Willards Elementary: Wednesday, Aug. 28, new Principal (and former Assistant Principal) Jennifer Rice and new Assistant Principal Mary Sartorio, along with teachers and staff, welcome Willards Elementary School families to join us for our Back-to-School Open House. Doors will open at 3:30 p.m., beginning with a PTA meeting, and will remain open until 5:30 p.m. Parents and students are welcome to visit this year’s assigned teacher(s) and classrooms. We look forward to seeing our Willards Elementary students and families at our Back-to-School Open House and to a year full of fun with lots of learning!
School phone: 410-677-5819
School email: willards@mywcps.org
Web page: https://wes.wicomicoschools.org
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WillardsElementary
Key WCPS Dates for Start of the 2024-2025 School Year
Friday, Aug. 16: Student school year information distributed
Tuesday, Aug. 27: Family Portal opens for 2024-2025 school year, with secondary student schedules available to print. Open houses for middle and high schools.
Wednesday, Aug. 28: Open houses for elementary schools
Tuesday, Sept. 3: Students in grades 1-6 and grade 9 attend school on Sept. 3. (Please note these exceptions: All grades attend at Pittsville Elementary and Middle, and only grade 6 attends at Mardela Middle and High.)
Wednesday, Sept. 4: All students in grades 1-12 in school Wednesday, Sept. 4.
During the first week, Kindergarten and Prekindergarten students will report as scheduled by the assigned school; detailed information will be in the welcome letter. The first day that all Prekindergarten and Kindergarten students will be in school together is Monday, Sept. 9.
Useful Links to Information on the Wicomico County Public Schools Website
Go to the school system website (www.wicomicoschools.org) to find information for the upcoming school year, such as:
2024-2025 School Year Calendars
School Hours (regular schedule, and also with a 90-minute delay)
Our eBulletinBoard, with flyers for school/school system and community events
Instructions for logging in to use Family Portal once the portal opens Aug. 27
Important Forms & Notices