Salisbury, MD – Spring is in the air, and 3rd Friday is back outdoors for the season starting this week. This month’s 3rd Friday is set for Friday, April 19, from 5-8 p.m., and the theme is “Sustainable Spring.”
Third Friday is a free arts event held in Downtown Salisbury on the third Friday of each month from 5-8 p.m. This year, 3rd Friday has a new layout, including the Downtown Plaza (West Main Street from West Market Street to North Division Street), Division Street next to the parking garage, and Unity Square.
Third Friday will feature two live music groups – The Bozick Variant at Unity Square and Loud Moon on the Plaza. At 6 p.m., watch the Trash Fashion Show put on by the Salisbury University Environmental Students Association on the Plaza. Then, watch dance performances by Jennifer D. Yackel/JDY Dance Theatre at Unity Square starting at 6:30 p.m.
Salisbury’s Green Team will present Sustainability Street, featuring numerous environmental-related vendors. Learn about pocket pollinator meadows and beekeeping, among other environmental topics. The Green Team also encourages attendees to wear green.
The Wicomico Public Library will host a food drive at its booth and encourages people to donate items such as pull-top cans, ready-to-eat items, bottles of water, ramen cups and individually-packaged snacks.
At 3rd Friday, recycle in a fun way with an interactive guitar sculpture created by Jeri and Jared Alexander. Add a can to the guitar-shaped piece.
There will also be arts and music around the Downtown area. Visit the “On Paper” exhibit at the Salisbury Art Space and take part in a 3rd Friday reception from 5-7 p.m. The Salisbury University Art Galleries Downtown will have a senior exhibition on display. Lurking Class Skate Shop will host H.R. of Bad Brains, Foggy May and Mirrors and Wires on 3rd Friday, with doors at 7 p.m. and music at 8 p.m. Admission is $15.
MoJo’s will host AJ the DJ from 9 p.m.-close and Market Street Inn will host DJ Kenny Flight from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church has planned a Spring Bazaar with a Courtyard Cookout and Oyster Fritter Supper. Atlantis Tattoo & Art Gallery will feature $20 piercings and $50 and up flash tattoos.
Third Friday is requiring free registration for 2024 for vendors, community groups, performers and volunteers. Registration and more information can be found at 3rdfridaysby.com.