WHO: Nancy Bagwell, Peninsula Home Care, Mark E. Engberg, CFP, Comprehensive Financial Solutions and Mike Mathers, ESQ. – Elder Law Planning; Elder Care & Medicaid.
WHAT: PHC, CFS and a local elder law attorney will present information on how to prepare a game-plan to help community members stay in their homes as they age. The will cover in-home health services, what to expect and present information on different sources of funding.
WHERE: Peninsula Home Care, 1001 Mt. Hermon Rd., Salisbury, MD 21804
WHEN: Thursday, July 21, 2016, Noon
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lunch will be provided. Register online at www.CFS4ME.com or RSVP by calling Peninsula Home Care at 410/543-7550 or email Kim Peters at petersk@peninsulahomecare.com