The wreaths have all been hung in MAC’s main hallway with care, as part of the second annual Festival of Wreaths. Now it’s time to pick the winner of the People Choice award, a new addition to the wreath festival.
To vote for your favorite wreath: stop by MAC between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. during the week of Nov. 18 to 22, and view the festive display of wreaths along the main hallway. A table will be set up in the lobby where you can vote for your favorite. The cost is $1 per vote, and anyone can vote, and as many times as they like.
At the end of the week, the wreath with the most votes will be named the People’s Choice winner and awarded the money collected from the votes for their wreath; all other money collected will benefit MAC programs.
In case of a tie, the wreath receiving a vote earliest in the week will be the winner.
The Festival of Wreaths then continues with a silent auction. Bidding gets under way Dec. 2 and continues until noon on Dec. 5, during regular business hours. Silent auction bid books will be located in MAC’s lobby.
The public is invited to a reception on Dec. 5, from 3:30-5 p.m., where the silent auction winners will be announced. In addition, the winning wreath in each of the five contest categories, and a Best in Show winner, will be named.
The public is welcome to stop by MAC to enjoy the festive display of wreaths, weekdays now through Dec. 5.
For more information on the Festival of Wreaths, call 410-742-0505, ext. 112. For more information on MAC services, call 410-742-0505.
MAC Incorporated, the Area Agency on Aging, is a private, nonprofit organization serving senior citizens in Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties. MAC’s mission is to provide programs and services which promote dignity, health and independence for an aging population.