Gardeners, families, nature lovers, history buffs, bird nerds, whoever you are, this event has something for you. The Lower Shore Land Trust is hosting a Pollinator Festival and 11th Annual Native Plant Sale on Saturday, May 5th from 9am-2pm at Sturgis Park in downtown Snow Hill, MD
This event will provide not only a chance to purchase 70+ varieties of native plants and shop local vendors providing garden related gifts, but offers an opportunity for the community to discover the important connection between native plants, people and wildlife.
Experts say that one out of every three bites of food you eat is possible because of bees, butterflies, birds, bats and other pollinators. If you dare, imagine a life without bananas, avocados, chocolate, tomatoes, even dairy products! All these plants depend on pollinators. Agricultural economies, our food supply, and surrounding landscapes would collapse without them.
The Pollinator Festival will feature local conservation organizations such as the Lower Eastern Shore Beekeepers Association, Environmental Concern, Mid Atlantic Monarch Initiative and MD Bluebird Society to promote the hard work of pollinators and how you can get involved. Delmarva Discovery Center, Pocomoke River State Park, Salisbury Zoological Society and the Julia Purnell Museum will offer hands on demonstrations with live animals while heritage groups like Furnace Town and Pocomoke Indian Nation will encourage folks to visit local landmarks and reconnect with nature. Throughout the day mini workshops will be held on rearing monarchs in your home, how to become a certified Pollinator garden with the Lower Shore Land Trust and more.
With over 20+ vendors and exhibitors, crafts, local bake sale and LSLT “Burger Stand,” the Pollinator Festival is a great reason to visit Snow Hill! For more information, call 443-234-5587 or email info@lowershorelandtrust.org. For information about ordering native plants visit the website at www.lowershorelandtrust.org .