Prepare for a Tax Free Retirement Seminar



Some experts are predicting that income taxes will have to double in 20 years ! Should this happen, the impact on traditional retirement planning will be horrendous. After all, the traditional retirement plan is only successful if income tax rates are lower when taking distributions.

A one hour workshop will be presented on Dec. 4 at Noon at the Chamber offices. Join Steve Smith and Ed Townsend of Pilot Financial Services as they present solutions that can ultimately provide TAX FREE INCOME. Learn how you can protect yourself from one of the greatest risks in our retirement, the tax risk. A properly structured tax free plan will assure that your nest egg will last longer, and that taxes on your Social Security benefits are less, all resulting in additional spendable income.

A light lunch will be provided. This will be fast paced and will last no more than 1 hour. Please RSVP by Dec. 2 to 410 251 6907 or