OneScreen GoSafe Device to Assist With Visitor/Patient Screening
As Peninsula Regional Medical Center (PRMC) works toward a day in the near future when limited visitation could return to the Salisbury, Maryland hospital, it will soon begin trialing a portable no-touch, non-invasive temperature scanning device that can securely and accurately return results within seconds.
Starting Monday, July 13 in its Hanna Outpatient Center, PRMC will begin testing the Inacom OneScreen GoSafe body temperature scanner. The device will quickly take and display the body temperature of the person standing before it. Currently, PRMC is screening all patients arriving for appointments and those support persons and escorts who are required for special circumstances. General visitation is still not permitted.
Clinicians at PRMC will establish a range in which a temperature must register for possible entry into the Medical Center. Those within the range, and who pass some additional screening requirements related to COVID-19 exposure, will be considered for visitation or to proceed to their scheduled testing or procedure. If the person’s temperature falls outside of the range, staff at the nearby security reception station will be immediately alerted. Based on the purpose of the person’s visit, staff will decide what precautionary or preventive action is required.
During this trial phase of the new technology, patients, support persons and escorts will be randomly chosen for screening using the artificial intelligence provided by the OneScreen GoSafe temperature scanner. If the device proves successful and beneficial during its testing phase, the Peninsula Regional Health System may implement the
tool at both PRMC and Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford, Delaware to assist staff in the taking of temperatures once limited visitation returns.