Historically, the cold and flu season on the Delmarva Peninsula begins this month and lasts through the end of March, which is why residents should be thinking seriously about getting their seasonal flu shot now. It’s their best protection against catching the flu.
This is also the time that hospitals in the region begin implementing their plans to address an influx of visits due to respiratory symptoms in their emergency departments. Add a still-prominent COVID-19 virus and the equation becomes twice as challenging to factor.
“With the upcoming cold and flu season upon us, combined with COVID-19, we want to ensure our communities have the proper information and resources available to them when needing care,” said Ray Fulkrod, DNP, RN, Chief Nursing Officer, TidalHealth Nanticoke. “Together, we are better, and will effectively navigate this year’s cold and flu season.”
TidalHealth reminds Maryland and Delaware residents that during the flu season and with an uncertain few months ahead with the COVID-19 virus, people should be judicious in their use of local emergency departments. If you’re a normally healthy person experiencing symptoms like fever, muscle or body aches, exhaustion and loss of appetite without chest pain or shortness of breath, it’s best to avoid what are soon to become extremely busy emergency departments. Family physicians or urgent care centers are great alternatives for quick and effective care with colds and flus.
General COVID-19 walk-in testing is not being offered at TidalHealth Peninsula Regional and TidalHealth Nanticoke, so coming to the emergency department expecting that type of specific testing will only add additional strain to the system.
“The emergency department teams at TidalHealth Peninsula Regional and TidalHealth Nanticoke are prepared to care for all patients in need of emergency treatment. To promote the highest level of departmental readiness during times of widespread respiratory illnesses, it is very important that our community members seek care in the proper setting,” added Sarah Arnett, DNP, MS, RN, NEA-BC, Chief Nursing Officer at TidalHealth Peninsula Regional. “By using the emergency department appropriately, you not only reduce your own exposure to other illnesses, you allow specialized resources to be conserved and available for those patients who really need them.”
There are a number of non-emergency department locations for walk-in or drive-up COVID-19 testing in our region. You may contact any of the following agencies to learn more about availability and appointment requirements.
· Walmart, 409 N. Fruitland Blvd., Salisbury, MD – Visit www.doineedacovid19test.com to register for a test
· CVS, 1016 S. Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury, MD
· Apple Drug, 404A N. Fruitland Blvd., Salisbury, MD
· Your Docs In, Salisbury, MD 877-222-4934 call for information
· Wicomico County Health Department — Every Wednesday, Call 410-912-6889
· Somerset County Health Department — Every Thursday, Call 410-912-6889
· In Delaware, information may be found at coronavirus.delaware.gov/testing.
Those in need of a seasonal flu shot should visit the TidalHealth website at https://www.mytidalhealth.org/2020flushots for a list of locations on the Delmarva Peninsula.
For more information on what types of conditions or illnesses should be treated in an emergency department please visit: https://www.mytidalhealth.org/patient-care-health-info/conditions-health-topics/emergency-trauma.