Members of the Alpha Nu Omicron chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) international honor society at Wor-Wic Community College recently received awards and recognitions at the Middle States Regional Convention in Harrisburg, Pa., and the International Convention in Orlando, Fla.
At the regional convention, Alpha Nu Omicron again received a Middle States Gold designation, and, for the 12th year in a row, Five Star chapter status. With 80 chapters in the Middle States Region, Wor-Wic’s chapter also received one of 15 Distinguished Chapter Awards. To be considered for this award, a chapter must submit entries for both an Honors in Action Project and a College Project. Each of the projects is then also considered individually for awards. Alpha Nu Omicron won recognition as one of the top 15 projects in both categories.
In addition to this recognition, Mallory Dryden of Marion Station, vice president of communications, and Stephanie Cascio of Berlin, vice president of membership, each received a pin for the Chapter Officers Hall of Honor. Recipients are selected based on their demonstration of leadership, involvement in chapter programs, friendship with fellow scholars and enthusiasm for the society’s hallmarks. From the Hall of Honor Chapter Officers, five recipients are named Middle States Region Distinguished Chapter Officers. Dryden received a Distinguished Chapter Officer medallion.
Matthew Cooper received a pin for the Members Hall of Honor. Recipients are selected based on a student’s embodiment of the hallmarks of the society, emphasizing participation in PTK programs.
At the international convention, the chapter was recognized as one of the top 100 chapters out of more than 1,250 chapters of PTK. Alpha Nu Omicron was also recognized in the REACH Rewards program that recognizes and rewards chapters that excel in the area of membership development. REACH chapters achieved or exceeded a 15% membership acceptance rate in 2018.
PTK is an internationally-recognized honor society serving America’s two-year colleges. The Alpha Nu Omicron chapter was chartered at Wor-Wic in September of 1987. Advisors of the chapter are Terry Thompson, professor of biological science; Dr. Lynn M. Derickson, professor of nursing; Allison Metro, assistant professor of English; and Dr. Heidi Walker, assistant professor of biological science.