The second January meeting on the 2024-2025 school boundary study process for Wicomico County Public Schools will be a public hearing on boundary adjustment recommendations. This Board of Education public hearing will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14 at West Salisbury Elementary School.
For those who wish to watch the public hearing online, either as it happens or afterward, it will be available here: Watch Board Meetings | Wicomico County Public Schools
Following the public hearing, public input may also be submitted online until Monday, Feb. 3 using the general feedback forms on the school boundary study website (https://www.wcpsboundarystudy.org/).
(Please note that the Jan. 14 Board of Education meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. to better accommodate families’ schedules for the public hearing.)
The first January meeting on the school boundary study process was a work session on Friday, Jan. 10 (rescheduled from Jan. 7 and then from Jan. 9 due to weather and road conditions) with consultant Cropper GIS, which facilitated the School Boundary Planning Team process. Cropper GIS presented to the Board of Education its recommendations – developed with public input from meetings, surveys and feedback forms – for changes to Wicomico’s school attendance boundaries. Video of the presentation at the Jan. 10 work session may be viewed online.
The recommendations to the Board of Education for school boundary changes are available to view on the website for the school system’s boundary study process, https://www.wcpsboundarystudy.org/. To see whether an address is included in the recommendations for boundary changes, please visit the interactive Webmap on this web page. You can also go directly to the Webmap at https://croppermap.com/wicomico/. Put in the street address and hit Enter to see the school attendance areas for that address. A browser’s history may need to be cleared to see the attendance areas for the current recommendations.
The school system has been actively engaged in the school boundary study process for months, and plans to conclude the process in February.
The Board has a Jan. 28 work session at which the school boundary recommendations could be discussed if needed.
A final vote on the recommendations for school boundary changes is planned for the Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 11, with any school boundary changes taking effect for the 2025-2026 school year. The February Board of Education meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at 101 Long Ave., Salisbury.
The boundary study process focuses on elementary school attendance areas, and related secondary school feeder patterns, to see where adjustments might help balance enrollment and relieve overcrowding. Addresses in the Delmar Elementary attendance area are not part of this boundary study due to the Bi-State Agreement.