The March 19th General Membership Luncheon featuring Maryland Secretary of Commerce Kevin Anderson has been rescheduled!
The luncheon will be held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM, at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center in the Flanders Room.
Anderson was Founder & CEO of Cardinal Atlantic Holdings, an economic and community development firm targeting scaled social impact and investment in urban centers. With specializations in real estate and education technology, CAH advises funds, corporations and governments on economic and community development strategies and projects.
As the state’s primary economic development agency, the Department of Commerce stimulates private investment and job creation by attracting new businesses, encouraging the expansion of existing companies, and providing workforce training and financial assistance to Maryland Companies.
Secretary Anderson will discuss new department initiatives, the State of Maryland’s economy, and the outlook for Maryland’s businesses moving forward.
Registration includes a full buffet lunch. Tickets are $35 for members and $45 for non-members and can be purchased at www.salisburyarea.com.
NOTE: You do not need to register again if you previously registered for the March 19 luncheon. If you cannot attend the March 26th luncheon and want a credit or refund, please contact Debbie Bounds at 410-749-0144 x 105 or dbounds@salisburyarea.com