The Rotary Club of Salisbury, in its 104th year of service to our community, has presented the prestigious Four-Way Test Award to Wicomico County community activist Maureen Williams.
The award has been presented annually since 1963 to a non-Rotarian whose life exemplifies the tenants of the Rotary Four-Way Test that asks persons of the things they think, say, or do:
- Is it the Truth?
- Is it Fair to all concerned?
- Will it build Goodwill and better Friendships?
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Mrs. Williams was cited for her work to feed poor people, to provide housing to homeless persons, to help build homes and wheelchair ramps, to help develop youngsters into better citizens, and much more. Some of her community roles include work with the Chesapeake Housing Mission, Women’s Build, chair of the Missions Committee of the Trinity United Methodist Church, and volunteer work with Choices Academy School, Appalachia Service Project, the HALO homeless mission, the Joseph House Ministries, and the Hands and Hearts Ending Homeless project.
The selection committee noted that Mrs. Williams was not just a leader in many community organizations, but was a worker bee with more energy than the Energizer Bunny. Her volunteer worth on humanitarian and civic needs intensified following her retirement as a guidance counselor at the James M. Bennett High School.
A list of all recipients of the award since 1963 is at www.rotarysalisbury.org.
The Rotary Club of Salisbury, a member organization whose product is service, welcomes new members interested in fellowship, fun, and helping their community. Contact Ginnie Malone at 410-251-6188 or gmalone@cbmove.com. The club meets weekly on Thursday evenings for dinner at the Rotary Scout and Community Center along Riverside Drive near Salisbury.