The Rotary Club of Salisbury and its members received a number of honors and recognitions at the recent 43rd annual Rotary District 4630 Conference in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
Individual awards included Marie Calafiura for “Service Above Self” and John Broyhill for “Service to Rotary.”
As a club, the Rotary Club of Salisbury received the 2013-2014 “President’s Citation with Distinction” and recognition for placing third among all District 4630 clubs for 2012-2013 contributions to Rotary’s Polio Plus initiative to eradicate the disease.
Also, the club’s scrapbook placed 2nd in the “Best Overall” category and 1st for “Best Story.”
President George Whitehead congratulated the members for a great job and for their commitment as a club and as individuals to Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self.”
The Rotary Club of Salisbury meets every Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the Rotary Scout and Community Center at 1715 Riverside Drive in Salisbury. To learn more about the Rotary Club of Salisbury or to obtain membership information, please contact Membership Chairman John Aukward at 410-713-2833 or jaukward@bankofdelmarva.com or visit the club’s website at www.rotarysalisbury.org.