In partnership with the Salisbury Independent and WMDT, The Wicomico Rotary’s Club presented the Hero Award on February 7, 2023.
This award is designed to honor an individual who has performed a single Act or Event within Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset, or Dorchester Counties, that represents an Amazing and Heroic Act during the calendar year. Nominations are accepted through December 31st of each year. The committee will select a recipient and present the award on the first Tuesday in February of the following year.
The recipient will receive the Wicomico Rotary Hero Award Plaque and a $1,000 donation to the 501c3 Charity of their choice.
This year’s recipient is La’Prentis Doughty. La’Prentis. an 11-year old 6th grader, whose house caught on fire, was able to safely exit his home as flames burst out the windows. However, after exiting the house he noticed his 2-yr old sister was not there. Without pause, he ran back into the burning building and rescued his 2-yr old sister. He received minor burns but was able to safely get himself and his sister out of the apartment. They lost everything in the fire but thanks to La’Prentises heroic actions, no one lost their life.
Annually, The Rotary Club of Wicomico County contributes over $50,000 back into our community through the support of agencies and causes including: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA, Habitat for Humanity, Life Crisis Center, scholarships for local high school and college
students, The Christian Shelter, RYLA, Easter Seals Camp Fairlee, Polio Eradication (Global), Fruitland Community Center, HALO, Wicomico County Library, Field 7 ½, the construction of wheel chair ramps and much more.
The Rotary Club of Wicomico County meets every Tuesday at noon in the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center at 500 Glen Avenue in Salisbury. To learn more about the Rotary Club of Wicomico County or to obtain membership information, please contact Gary Stiegler, Membership Chair at jgstiegler2477@comcast.net or visit the club’s website at www.wicomicorotary.com.
- La’Prentis at the 2022 Hero Award Presentation held yesterday
- La’Prentis at the 2022 Hero Award Presentation held yesterday