The Salisbury Art Space is excited to offer an opportunity for young artists to showcase their work. Salisbury’s only nonprofit dedicated to the visual arts is now accepting submissions for its Blooming Artist Youth Exhibition. Entries will go on display from August 4-30 at Art Space’s gallery, 212 W. Main Street, Suite 101.
This exhibition is open to all artists from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Entries must be 100 percent child-created art; it can be created in the classroom, at home, or anywhere else. Each teacher can submit up to three entries per class, and individuals can submit one piece each. There’s no submission fee, but donations are appreciated.
Submissions are due by 5 p.m. on July 28th at the gallery. Any businesses, families or other sponsors can support local arts by helping underwrite this exhibition. Please call 410-546-4748 for a sponsorship packet or view it online at www.salisburyartspace.org. There, you will also find complete details and guidelines for the show.