SALISBURY, MD—The Salisbury Jaycees invite the community to come together and “pay it forward” during Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 17-23.
For the fifth year, the Jaycees host a Random Acts of Kindness campaign with a goal of producing 500 acts of kindness throughout Salisbury and Wicomico County.
Community members doing nice things for others that week are asked to encourage recipients, in turn, to commit a random act of kindness for someone else. Recipients of those random acts are encouraged to post about them on Facebook using the hashtag #SBYRAK.
The Jaycees have Random Acts of Kindness cards available for those wishing to hand them out while doing random acts as a reminder for recipients to participate, as well. Examples of random acts of kindness from previous years include everything from helping neighbors carry groceries to paying for coffee or food for strangers at restaurants.
To request Random Acts of Kindness cards, email Chapter President D’Shawn Doughty at dshawn@salisburyjc.com or find them at local businesses!
Serving the community since 1940, the Salisbury Jaycees is a community service, social and leadership training organization for men and women ages 18-40. For more information visit the chapter’s website at www.salisbury.edu or Facebook page at www.facebook.com/salisburyjaycees.