The Salisbury Jaycees will hold their first annual “Talk Derby to Me” social Saturday May 3rd at the Green Hill Country Club from 4:30-7:30 p.m. to celebrate the Kentucky Derby. Tickets are $15 and include two beers, hors d’oeuvers, games, and additional prizes. Make sure to dress in your Kentucky best. Tickets and additional information are available by contacting lacey@salisburyjc.com.
The Jaycees are also looking for 21 and over volunteers to pour beer for this year’s Pork in the Park at Winterplace Park May 9th through the 11th. If interested, contact Joel at 410-603-0726 or joel@salisburyjc.com.
The 7th annual Soft Shell Metric Century bike ride in Crisfield will be held Saturday May 24th beginning at 8 a.m. Registration is $45 for adults and $25 for children under 12 before May 18th and $60 for adults and $35 for children for leading up to the event. Day-of registration is accepted but not encouraged. The Jaycees will be providing drinks and snacks for riders at rest stops throughout the route. To pre-register, go online to https://www.bikereg.com/soft-shell-metric-century-bike-ride. More information is available at softshell@salisburyjc.com.
Looking for something fun to do while networking and making a positive change in the community? The Salisbury Jaycees, founded in 1940, are the oldest social and community service group for 18-to-40-year-olds in Maryland. Monthly membership meetings are held the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce. More information is available by contacting contactus@salisburyjc.com or visiting www.salisburyjc.com.

Celebrity reader Sheriff Mike Lewis spends time reading Green Eggs and Ham to children during Read Across America at the Wicomico County Library on Saturday, March 1st.