Salisbury VFW donation honors Howard at Wor-Wic

group of veterans standing with wor-wic-executive director

Wor-Wic Community College recently renamed its veterans lounge in honor of Fred Howard, retired director of veterans services. Howard retired in 2022 after 16 years of service to Wor-Wic’s students, and during his tenure was instrumental in bringing about the creation of the veterans lounge through the U.S. Department of Education’s Veterans Upward Bound grant.

The Salisbury VFW Post 194 supported the room renaming when they donated $25,000 to Wor-Wic’s “Preparing for a Stronger Tomorrow” campaign, which addresses the needs of students through scholarships, technology across campus and equipment to provide education for workforce training and college credit programs.

The newly named Frederick L. Howard Veterans Student Lounge offers veteran and military students a dedicated space to study and socialize on campus.

Wor-Wic was recently ranked seventh in the nation among small community colleges as a Military-Friendly School for 2023-2024 by VIQTORY, the 12th year in a row the college has received the designation for its support of veterans, active military personnel and their families.