In coordination with the Blood Bank of Delmarva, the radio stations of GSB Media; 96.5 & 101.5 CTG, WOW 101.1 & 99.3, and Bay Country 97.9 are hosting their inaugural community blood drive. The Blood Bank of Delmarva needs 360 units of blood per day in order to meet the demands of Delmarva hospitals, so our goal is to collect 100 units during the event.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 from 1-6p
GSB Media
1147 Ocean Highway Suite 1
Pocomoke City, MD 21851
All blood types are needed, and although pre-registration isn’t required, it is helpful. To pre-register, go online to www.donate.bbd.org and use the drive code “GSBM”.
Point of contact at the Blood Bank of Delmarva is Bryan Shepherd – bshepherd@bbd.org
Point of contact at GSB Media is Jason Lee – jasonl@gsbmediallc.com