On March 19, 2021, 10:00am, the Salisbury-Ocean City: Wicomico Regional Airport will be conducting a certification ceremony for the Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC) certification between the Airport and Sentral Services who provide the manpower and expertise to qualify for this cleanliness rating.
The GBAC STAR Accreditation Program is performance-based and designed to help facilities establish a comprehensive system of cleaning, disinfection, and infectious disease prevention for the staff and building. The program relies on GBAC’s comprehensive training, which teaches the proper protocols, correct disinfection techniques, and cleaning best practices for biohazard situations like the novel coronavirus.
As a successful GBAC STAR facility we are able to demonstrate that correct work practices, procedures and systems are in place to prepare, respond, and recover from outbreaks and pandemics.
Further information can be found at: https://gbac.issa.com/