Addressing the Skills Shortage – Bridging the Talent Gap with Education, Training & Sourcing
Join ES SHRM and local HR professionals on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 8AM, at Dove Pointe (1225 Mt. Hermon Road, Salisbury, MD) as we address the Skills Shortage with a presentation from Nicole Belyna, SHRM-SCP, Manager, Talent Acquisition and Inclusion at SHRM. Nicole possesses more than 15 years in human resources, specializing talent strategies and leadership.
The skills gap is real – and growing. HR can help bridge the gap, deploying strategies and tools to prepare students and workers for today and tomorrow.
SHRM’s research finds that 8 out of 10 HR professionals report that high-demand and soft skills are in short supply. Employers need workers with the hard skills to perform jobs in technology, manufacturing, data analysis and other 21st century careers. And they need workers with the soft skills to communicate well, empathize with co-workers and lead their teams.
This presentation will delve into the why of our current skills shortage dilemma and the how of closing the gaps, including partnering with K-12 education, expanding training innovations like apprenticeships, tapping into underutilized talent pools and leveraging HR to play a key policy leadership role.
Eastern Shore SHRM is an affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management. Our chapter represents, Caroline, Dorchester, Queen Anne, Talbot, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties in Maryland, Sussex County in Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Virginia.