The February SACC General Membership Luncheon, hosted at The Black Diamond Lodger in Fruitland, Maryland, featured Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis as the featured speaker. In Sheriff Lewis’s remarks, he touched on several current issues, including recreational cannabis, police oversight boards, and his future plans.
Sheriff Lewis commented on the pros and cons of civilian police oversight boards. While he agreed that having the general public understand the demands on law enforcement, he commented, “Civilian oversight boards could handcuff police agencies. Poorly performing officers could stay employed or be terminated by the board without involvement from that police department. It could circumvent personnel standards for departments to address performance issues.
Sheriff Lewis stated that while adult-use recreational cannabis was approved by referendum this past November, the details and possible consequences were not a part of that referendum.
Sheriff Lewis shared, “Black market pot will eventually undercut the dispensary system, whenever established, selling a more potent, higher THC level product than products sold by state-regulated dispensaries. Further unaddressed concerns include business liabilities, new lawsuits for individuals driving company vehicles under the influence, and company personnel standards.”
As the presentation drew to a close, Sheriff Lewis told the audience, “My wife and family have supported my career and time as your sheriff. I want to spend more time with my family, so this will be my last term as your County Sheriff.”
The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce wished to thank Sheriff Lewis for addressing the membership and his service to Wicomico County.
The March General Membership Luncheon, featuring Salisbury Mayor Jack Heath, will be held at 11:30 on March 16, 2023, at the Green Hill CC. Please visit www.salisburyarea.com to register.