SALISBURY, MD – Home heating bills are expected to rise this winter. According to the Energy Information Administration, “US households that rely on natural gas for heating will spend an average of $746 to heat their homes this winter, up 30% from last winter.” Electric bills are expected to increase by 6% from last winter.
SHORE UP!’s Energy Assistance Program is launching initiatives to get the word out about the support they can offer to low-income households during this critical time. The latest effort by SHORE UP! will be Delmarva Power Day. Delmarva Power customers and SHORE UP! grant recipients can visit the Wicomico County Energy Assistance office in Salisbury, Md. Thursday, Nov. 18 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to ask Delmarva Power representatives any questions regarding their utility bill. This will also be an opportunity for individuals who need support to apply for Energy Assistance.
“With the combined rise of home heating and electric bills, in addition to the increase in fuel costs and groceries, our residents need as much assistance as possible,” says Keith White, Wicomico County Energy coordinator. “Delmarva Power and SHORE UP! are here to help. Even if you don’t need the assistance, please share this information with someone who does.”
Individuals or families who meet the income eligibility guidelines and reside in Wicomico, Somerset or Worcester Counties, may apply for Energy Assistance. The program assists with paying current or delinquent electric, gas or oil bills.
SHORE UP!’s Weatherization Program also aids in lowering energy costs by conducting energy audits on homes to determine insulation and other needs.
The Wicomico County Energy Assistance Office is located at 500 Snow Hill Road in Salisbury, Md. For additional information on Energy Assistance at SHORE UP!, visit www.shoreup.org. Choose Energy Assistance under the Housing tab. You may also call 410-341-9634.
SHORE UP! Inc.is a private, non-profit Community Action Partnership located in Salisbury on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Formed in 1965, SHORE UP! serves low-income and disadvantaged persons. SHORE UP! is an acronym for “Self-Help on Rural Economics and Urban Problems.” The agency’s main focus is to help people reach economic self-sufficiency.