The 2023 “Community Legacy Grant” will be opened during the monthly “Mayor & Town Council” meeting on Tuesday, February 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the Old Fire Hall in Snow Hill. This year’s grant will be available to commercial applicants for improvements to business properties; developing mixed-use projects; streetscape improvements; or the acquisition or improvement of vacant buildings.
During the application scoring process, projects that improve the value or aesthetic/historical character of a business structure will receive the highest consideration. Projects that improve accessibility, health and safety, or business development will also receive high consideration.
Properties that lie within the Town’s Sustainable Community Boundary are eligible to apply. This area includes nearly all of the properties within Town limits. A color map of the Sustainable Community boundaries will be distributed during the meeting.
If you are a commercial property owner or a business tenant, plan to attend the meeting to hear a grant information presentation. An application guidance document and grant applications will be distributed. These informative documents will also be available at Town Hall beginning February 15. Questions about the grant and inquiries for more information may be emailed to the Town’s Grants Administrator, John Rankin, at jrankin@snowhillmd.com