The Town of Snow Hill is pleased to announce the hiring of its newest Grants Administrator John Rankin, who began working for the Town on February 15th.
John gained seven years of grant experience from working as the Grants Manager for Women Supporting Women (a nonprofit in Salisbury); as a grant consultant for the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore; and as a Program Analyst with a Rockville, MD accounting firm which performed Federal grant audit resolutions for the Department of Justice in Washington, DC. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland in College Park.
John describes his two priorities for working with the Town as “maintaining the considerable grant funding received by the town last year, and supporting a high level of financial integrity and transparency within the overall grants program.”
John’s first project will be working alongside a four-member grant scoring committee which will score 25 applications competing for funding under the Community Legacy Grant program. The grant provided $60,000 to aid the Town’s revitalization for businesses and homeowners. The program emphasizes improvement of the Town’s historical character.
More info email Margot Resto at mresto@snowhillmd.com or call 410-632-2080.