St. James A.M.E. Zion Church has established a new endowment fund through the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore. The initial $10,000 will support college scholarships for members of St. James A.M.E. Zion Church, as well as provide ongoing financial resources for the Church and its programs.
“We wanted to make a difference in the lives of our youth,” states Aundra Roberts, president of the committee. “We wanted to endow the church with the resources to cultivate our mission beyond our lifetimes, and our hope is that through this gift, we can leave a legacy for generations to come.”
Officers and members of the St. James A.M.E. Zion Church Scholarship Fund Committee:
L-R: Doris White, Secretary, Zenora Miller, Vice President, Aundra Roberts, President, Rev. Dr. David L. McLendon, Sr., Pastor, Fannie Blaylock, Treasurer, B.J. Summers, Director of Development & Donor Relations for CFES, & Richard Turner.
Not Pictured: Lloyd Price, Chaplin, Rev. Sylvia Ward, Asmar Ashanti, Evelyn Collins, Bernice Collins, Jerrisha Hood, Mae Johnson, Thelma Orr, Ethel Taylor, Phyllis Thomas, & Iris Turner.
About the Community Foundation: As leaders, grant makers, and stewards of philanthropy, the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore connects people who care to causes that matter for the common good of the Lower Eastern Shore. We are a 501c3 nonprofit with an inspiring history of fostering charitable endeavors, and have provided more than $66 million in grants and scholarships to the local community since 1984. We collaborate with individuals, families, and businesses to match their charitable interests with community needs and strengthen local nonprofits through grants and resources. We are devoted to improving our regional community and believe in the power of philanthropy.
For information contact: Victoria Kent, Marketing Officer | 410-742-9911 |vkent@CFES.org