State joins families, other governments taking legal action against owners of Dali

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Attorneys representing the state of Maryland filed a lawsuit Tuesday against two companies that own and operate the ship responsible for the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in March. The state’s lawsuit becomes one of the last of about a dozen actions against Grace Ocean Limited and Synergy Marine, the owner and operator, respectively, of the Dali. Claims in those suits could be in the billions, but the companies filed their own petition in U.S. District Court in Baltimore seeking to limit their liability to $44 million — the value of the ship and its cargo.

Road to recovery: President Biden, hours after the collapse, promised federal aid to cover the full cost of the new bridge. So far, that funding has not materialized. Any money recovered would likely go to repaying the federal government. Additionally, the state is asking to recover the costs of cleanup operations, lost taxes and tolls, attorneys fees and other damages.

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