To say this past year has been very different from previous ones is an understatement! The only two constants have been our clients’ needs and their distinct personalities. For those who think our work consists of meeting with a client and being “one and done”, nothing could be further from reality. Our work is a long and winding road. We’d like to share just one example.
In 2019, a young lady came to the office and her only request was for some lunch, no other services. Our next encounter was when our outreach worker discovered her in a parking lot at a strip mall north of Salisbury looking lost and in need. While our worker had not met her before, she recognized the need for intervention. Since then, H.O.P.E., along with three other agencies, have been trying to get her stabilized. She lives in her car north of Salisbury, often panhandling to get by. She stands out because she is a lone woman who looks so in need, which is easily recognized by all who pass by.
While she doesn’t have any overt symptoms of mental health issues, those of us with decades of experience in this field, realize she wouldn’t be out there if she were mentally stable. She has never felt comfortable enough with any of the agencies who work with her to share her whole story. Thankfully, our outstanding outreach worker has managed to gain a bit of her trust.
Our worker learned that this young woman was born in the mid-West and has a bad relationship with her family. While she seems fairly educated, she is very quiet and shy. She rarely follows up on plans to make changes in her life unless an appointment has been made by a homeless service provider. Sadly, she is one of our more frustrating clients to guide to stability. However, as we have said before, we never give up! We respectfully ask that you keep this young woman in your prayers. Her road is a long and winding one, as is ours!
If you know of someone in need who would benefit from H.O.P.E.’s services or if you would like to support us, please email us at hope@hopesby.com or call 410-677-0757.
Galatians 6: 9 -10
Thank you!
Donna Clark
Donna Clark
Executive Director