SU Campaign Helps Build Neighborhood Relationships

SU campaign group

Salisbury University students committed to building good neighborhood relationships were out Tuesday walking the sidewalks, placing door hangers at campus area homes and talking with residents. On the hangers are tips for students about how to be good neighbors and useful suggestions to residents on how to reach out to young people, many on their own for the first time.SU campaign

Joining the students were Neighborhood Relations and Neighborhood Compact Committee members and two special supporters, Salisbury Mayor Jake Day and Robby Sheehan, chair of SU’s Town-Gown Council. About 140 students participated.  “A wonderful time was had by all today!” said Dr. Lawanda Dockins-Mills, associate dean of students and co-chair of the Neighborhood Relations Committee. “Salisbury University appreciates the continued willingness of the community to partner with us as we all work toward maintaining good neighborhood relations.”