SALISBURY, MD—The Salisbury University Dance Company presents its annual fall showcase, “Socially Distanced, Socially Conscious,” in a virtual performance 7:30 p.m. Saturday, November 7, and 2 pm Sunday, November 8.
Directed by Helen Myers, the performance is a mix of live-streamed and pre-recorded dances. The concert features a series of solo dances and a final group dance choreographed by Myers, focusing on the themes of social consciousness and change.
Highlights include a video of New York Philharmonic Orchestra clarinetist Anthony McGill performing his rendition of “America the Beautiful” in a minor key. McGill’s music will accompany the group finale.
The live streamed/pre-recorded hybrid is available through a partnership with Tláloc López-Watermann, founder of Light Conversations, a lighting and video design company based in New York.
Sponsored by the Music, Theatre and Dance Department, the production is available for free with registration at https://www.salisbury.edu/academic-offices/liberal-arts/music-theatre-and-dance/performing-arts-box-office.aspx.
For more information call 410-548-5588 or visit SU website at www.salisbury.edu.