“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others,” noted Mahatma Gandhi. Join the Rotary in honoring those who dedicate their lives to serving other. Flags for Heroes is an opportunity for the community to come together and thank those who have made a difference in our lives – past or present, military, police, first responders, mentors, teachers, community leaders, family and friends.
Sponsor one of the 500 American flags (made in America) that will be on display at the intersection of Hobbs Road and Route 50 in Salisbury, MD, located directly next to the Arthur W. Perdue Stadium. The Field of Flags will on display the week before Memorial Day 2016, and will remain on display until the week following the holiday weekend.
A Field of Flags Celebration will take place on May 30, 2016 at 2:00 pm. Community members are invited to view the stunning 500 flag display and honoree banner, commentary from local dignitaries, Presentation of Colors and the singing of the National Anthem. Flags will remain on display for one week after Memorial Day.
Honor your personal hero by sponsoring a flag with a tax deductible $50 donation. Heroes and sponsors will be recognized in The Daily Times and will receive a certificate of appreciation. The Salisbury Sunrise Rotary Club, Rotary Club of Wicomico County and the Rotary Club of Salisbury would like to thank the following sponsors: Salisbury HERO Day, Hazel Fund, First Shore Federal, Nelson’s Nationwide, the Perdue Foundation, the Henson Foundation, Retina Consultants, Elks Lodge, Shorebirds, Choptank Trust, BesTemps, Alarm Engineering and Delmarva Veteran Builders. For more information on how to sponsor a flag for your hero, please visit www.flags4heroes.org/ or email salisburysunrise@gmail.com.