Cox sold the property 4.5 times quicker than the average sale in the Salisbury area and was able to achieve the goals of the seller while also helping a local business expand. The property is a professional office space in the Milford Street office complex just off Rt. 13 across from Salisbury University.
After completing the transaction Wesley had this to say. “I always work to exceed the expectations of my clients and being able to sell this property 4.5 times quicker than average did just that!”
If you are looking to have similar results, please contact Wesley Cox at wesley.cox@svn.com or at 410-543-2421. Wesley has 18-years of commercial real estate experience participating in over 750 transactions totaling over $350 million dollars. Cox has been extremely active in the community, so much so that he has received multiple local, state, and national community service awards.