SWAC’s Instrument Barn…Giving the Gift of Music


The Instrument Barn program, designed to give any underserved child in Wicomico County the opportunity to play an instrument, has been a gift of joy to both parents and children, a valuable tool to teachers and a credit to our schools and community with improved academics.  Statistics prove that children involved with the Arts have higher test scores, lower truancy rate and strong character.  Additionally, the Instrument Barn program addresses the issue of narrowing the achievement gap while encouraging youth civic engagement.  The Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council (SWAC) seeks from the community donations of gently used instruments that are then repaired, cleaned, refurbished and distributed to the student.  The student can use the instrument until high school graduation, and then the instrument stays with the school to be issued again.  Hats off to the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore who helped initiate the IB program nine years ago and has supported it through grants.  SWAC’s Instrument Barn:  Creating stronger students and a better world, with the sound of music.  Contact your school’s band instructor to arrange to acquire an instrument.  Parents, Grandparents and Teachers:  Seek out the musical interest in your students and encourage their participation in SWAC’s Instrument Barn program!  Young people:  Ask for and enjoy a musical experience, and let SWAC fulfill your dream!  Go to GetSWAC.org or call 410-543-2787 for info.