The Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs invites you to reserve a space for our upcoming Technical Training Classroom webinar.
Writing A Business Plan to Access Capital & Maximize Growth
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
10 a.m. – 12 noon
Are you leveraging your business plan? An effective business plan can be a very powerful tool. Join our special guest and learn the essential elements and strategic uses of a business plan. You’ll gain insights on how to write for target audiences (lenders, investors, partners) and receive links to market research resources and plan templates. You’ll leave with actionable strategies for utilizing your business plan to maximize growth and access funding.
Who should attend? Small, minority, women, and veteran business owners and entrepreneurs who are ready to improve and leverage your business plan.
Your instructor is Will Holmes, Chairman Emeritus of the Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce, Founder of Will Holmes Consulting(WHC) and Founder of the Baltimore Economic Leadership (BELL). Read his bio at https://whcusa.com/will-holmes-founder-of-whc/

Subcontracting in Maryland’s Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Program
Thursday, August 25, 2022
10 a.m. – 12 noon
Are you looking to expand your company’s reach as a subcontractor? Participation in Maryland’s MBE Program offers a broad range of opportunities to perform as a subcontractor on state-funded contracts. During this session, we will provide a comprehensive look at the MBE rights and responsibilities in both the prime and subcontractor rolls, examine best practices for navigating state procurement, and share insights on how to target your business development efforts within this competitive arena.
Who should attend? Small, minority, women, and veteran business owners and entrepreneurs who are ready and able to compete for subcontracting opportunities in the state contracting arena.
Your Instructor is Nichelle Johnson, MBE Compliance Manager, Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs.
What you need to know:
There is no cost to attend.
Advance registration is required.
Special Accommodation requests should be made 14 days in advance to eduardo.hayden@maryland.gov
This session will be recorded; by registering, you are consenting to be recorded.
Upon receiving a registration confirmation, you will be given a unique link to join the event.
All attendees will be in listen mode only (your camera will be off and your mic is muted).
A Q&A session will be conducted following the presentation.
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