The Rotary Club of Salisbury, in its 103rd year of service to the community, has named long-time member Marie Calafiura as the club’s Rotarian of the Year. She was selected based upon her multiple contributions to and tremendous support of the club. President Bill Satterfield listed some of her attributes when naming her the award recipient.
He cited her work just in this Rotary year as club Treasurer, Rotary District 7630 Assistant Governor, coordinator of the club’s Meals of Hope project, organizer of material in the club board room, coordinator of donations of club materials to the Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture at Salisbury University, editor of the weekly Cog newsletter, post office box checker, helper in re-writing the club bylaws and Standing Rules and Procedures, elector at the District Conference, new member recruiter, ClubRunner administrator, and advisor to the president.
Miss Calafiura joined the club in 1989 and was president in 2016-2017.