Continuing a tradition of at least 40 years, members of The Rotary Club of Salisbury have prepared and are planning to distribute dictionaries to third grade students in Wicomico County schools. Working with the club is the Salisbury Sunrise Rotary Club.
Thanks to the generosity of more than 100 local Rotary club members, our communities’ People of Action, the clubs have purchased the books, placed labels in them to acknowledge the role of the Rotary clubs, sorted them for distribution, boxed them, and have begun distributing the books to approximately 1,500 students in county public and private schools.
Project coordinator AB Brown, a long time Rotary Club of Salisbury member and a member of the Wicomico County Board of Education said “It’s very satisfying to see the children’s smiling faces when they open the dictionaries for the first time. For many students, this book might be the only one they own.”
The dictionary project is just one of several recent activities for The Rotary Club of Salisbury. Other recent community support programs have included ringing the holiday money-raising bells for the Salvation Army, renovating the Christian Shelter, participating in the “Walk with Me” fundraiser for the Easterseals Salisbury Children’s Therapy Center, and delivering Meals on Wheels as club members do year-round.
Visit www.rotarysalisbury.org to learn more about the Rotary Club of Salisbury. To learn more about membership, contact Ginnie Malone at 410-251-6188 or gmalone@cbmove.com.
Photo: Members of The Rotary Club of Salisbury have begun working on the distribution of dictionaries to approximately 1,5000 Wicomico County third grade students. This community service has been offered for at least 40 years.